Saturday, July 21, 2012

Free $10 credit to

For only a short amount of time, a social marketplace for buying from and selling items to people, will be offering a free $10 credit whenever you sign up for a new account here.
Copious sells clothing, accessories, household items, jewelry, and other items that are listed from sellers at a greatly reduced price.

Some items require a minimal fee to purchase; however there are a great amount of items that include free shipping with no extra fees. When you get on the site simply click on the “Free Shipping” and “No Fees” tabs on the left for each section that you’re browsing through. Now here's the great part, if you do find an item you just have to have that does have an additional fee, you can put your $10 credit toward it!

The catch: There is a $0.01 minimum fee on all charges, I've read that this is a safeguard to guarantee that bots won't use an unlimited amount of emails and simply keep buying everything under $10 for nothing. However if you have a credit or debit card, even a prepaid card will be enough to go through with the transaction.

If you're buying something as a gift the charge will appear as "PND*COPIOUS.COM" and won't show what you've purchased.

So you can get a large amount of items for as little as 1 cent! Even if you sign up and decide there's nothing you absolutely need right now the free $10 won't go away and you can decide to use it whenever you decide.

To get started simply click the link here create an account and get started!

This blog has moved to a different URL! Go to for more. Please click one of the following links to check out my other reviews or blog posts. Have a great day!

Pet Supermarket & Friskies Party Mix Mystery Shop Review
Crowdtap Hotel Transylvania Monster Bowl Review & Party
Quality VS Price and Time of Five Guys
Crowdtap - Zicam® Rapid Melts® Review
Crowdtap: Healthy Choice Baked Entrées Sample and Share Review
The Secret World Crowdtap Party & Review
McCormick Grill Mates® 4th of July Party
Old Spicie Harkridge Deoderent, Body Wash, & Body Spray 

Store Complaints & Troubles
Wal-Mart Coupon Troubles

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